ten days left

Today got off to a great start. Since I had stayed awake and at home for most of the day Monday, I passed out at around ten at night only to wake back up at midnight. As strange as it might sound, I am glad that I woke up when I did. First of all there was a paper that I needed to write for class in the afternoon and I had been struggling with the paper since Friday. Then suddenly at two in the morning the words flowed for me and I was done.

Once the paper was done, I was off to work to get some more boxes. The cost is right and I like to think of it as a fringe benefit. Naturally people at work were surprised to see me there on my day off, but I didn't stay long. From there it was off to the grocery store and then the gas station.

Before five in the morning, I had accomplished more than I had all day on Sunday and it felt great.


Before I fell asleep again, I got confirmation on what time I am closing next week Friday. Everything is set. Now all that I have to do is write one very large check and sign my name a few more times. Each day the move is becoming more and more real to me.


I was one of the few people who handed in their paper today. From what I overheard others in class were hoping to get some more hints from the planned lecture for the day, but then the instructor changed her mind and showed a film instead. I smiled to myself. Yes, they have until Thursday to hand in the paper, but there won't be any class. All that they have to do is turn the paper in to her office, but that isn't worth a commute to the east side of town for me. I have other things planned for that extra time off on Thursday.


I am still having very mixed feelings about Her. I don't know whether to call again or just wait for her to do something. I just don't understand anymore. I mean I could very easily walk away at this point, but I'm not sure if that is what I want. Not hearing from her doesn't help me either.

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