some loose ends

I never knew that the telephone market was so large. I'm not talking about services. I'm just talking about the models of the telephones themselves. The variety of sizes, shapes and features was enough to keep me busy for an hour after work. I had decided that I wanted a new phone for my place and today was the first time that I had a chance to price them. I did not leave with a new phone today. There were too many to choose from and I needed to do some more research.


When I got to the furniture store for the second time, I realized that the saleswoman that had helped me the day before wasn't there. If I had looked more carefully at her business card, I woud have known that she wouldn't be there until noon. It didn't matter to me though and her not being there gave me more time to look at my choices and make up my mind.

Once I had decided that I was going with the sleigh bed, I went back upstairs to find some help to complete the sale. As I reached the top of stairs I made eye contact with a man and a woman sitting at the nearest sales desk. Somehow they decided between them that the woman would help me. To put it mildly she was a character.

She started to amble along on her crutches swearing as she went. Oh, she wasn't having any trouble moving around, it just seems that she was tired of having them. Soon she told me that it was eight months ago that the accident had first happened and her foot hadn't healed properly so there was an operation and more time in the cast. None of this made her happy.

The most surprising part was hearing her openly use the word frick and a few other choice words in our conversation. Naturally she blamed her husband for slipping on the ice and used that leverage to get some more jewelry.

Sigh. LIstening to her made me think about all of the wonderful aspects of marriage.

Well, anyway I'll have a new bed sometime later this year. The saleswoman told me that the model that I wanted was out of stock and she didn't know when a new one would be availble. I told her that as long as I get it sometime before the end of the year I'll be happy. Delivery time was not critical for me.

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