afternoon rain lingered Usually Tuesdays aren't the best days of the week for me, but today was definitely better than yesterday. Let me explain. Monday after I got back home from the laundromat all of my energy disappeared. Honestly I did very little the rest of the day except lie on the couch and listen to the rain. Two inches fell and that gave me plenty of time to listen. Today that didn't happen. There were boxes to fill and I spoke with my landlord for probably one of the last times. Since I'll be going to another play Friday night, I only have Wednesday and Thursday left to pack. Plus early on Thursday morning, I'll have a walkthrough my place and then on Friday I close. Everything is happening so fast and there isn't much time left for relaxing. Plus somewhere in there I need to go to work and school. Now since my time is so limited I might have to contradict what I wrote yesterday and put the journal on hold for the new few days or at least until after I have finished moving. I mean the computer is going to have to be shut down soon and there really isn't that much free time to write. ... She called me tonight and I have to say that it made my day. It felt good to be close to her even if it was only through her voice.