no concentration here I haven't been thinking lately. Oh, I can make it through the day, but I really haven't had that much time to think about my life and what I want to do next. Except for one more paper, school is done for the semester and I doubt that much will change at work by the end of the year so there should be plenty of time to think now. ... Here are some random pop culture thoughts that have been going through my head. Gene Simmons of KISS fame is Jewish. He came to this country from Israel when he was eight years ago. I guess that you could say that the small Jewish boy did good here in the states. All joking aside he did make for a interesting interview on the Today show earlier this week. Here is his thought on getting married or at least a paraphrased version of it. "Why should I do something where I have to be committed? Only insane people are committed." Hmm. Somehow I don't see him as the fatherly husband type anyway. Although the visual of him in full makeup waiting for his teenage daughter to get home from a date is funny. ... Acccording to a recent episode of the public television program Nova, bristlecone pines are some of the oldest living things on the Earth. One of them known as Methusalah is six thousand years old. ... Potato pancakes are a Jewish food, although they call them latkes. I never thought of them as Jewish food. My mom thought that they were German. Then again before World War II, there were thousands of Jewish Germans. Does this mean that Latka Gravas from Taxi was meant to be more of a play on words? I wish that I knew more than I did about Hannukah than what Adam Sandler has taught me in his little song.