christmas shopping complete My thoughts are still unorganized, so this will be fragmented at best. ... Early this morning at work, I finished all of my Christmas shopping. Yes, I went the online route. I don't feel the need to subject myself to the brick and mortar environment with all of its chaos at this time of year. Clicking away online is so much easier anyway. ... Since I didn't have class today, I finally got the paperwork for next semester sorted out. Yes, I should be going back in the spring. I may not have a clear direction yet on what my personal ax to grind will be, but I will be there. Part of me believes in the academic community, but I also wonder if I have enough passion to stay within the system. What I mean is that I appreciate literature on more of an abstract level than on a social commentary and or activist one. Hopefully I'll find some kind of answer in the coming weeks. ... I am so glad that I never worked for Enron. All of those horror stories about 401K plans going from hundreds of thousands of dollars to almost nothing is almost beyond belief.