cosmic ocean being Saturday morning I lingered at work for an hour after I was supposed to be gone. Chatting with my buddy Nicole was the reason that I stayed. As I was walking out the door she called me over and asked me to join her as she smoked a cigarette. She says that she wants to quit, but it has yet to happen. I didn't mind that she smoked as we talked. Her stories are worth it and it had been awhile since we had spent some time together. Now I know that I have said this before, but it bears repeating. My conversations with Nicole are so much more grounded than the ones that I have with Ann. They seem to be less about complaining and more about the everyday things that happen in life. She comes to life when she talks about her son and his latest adventures. Then there are the stories about her family both now and when she was growing up that always make her and I laugh. She is so real to me and talking with her always makes me smile. ... Saturday night at work Ann announced that she and her man from Europe are engaged. Hearing this piece of information did not surprise me. In fact I knew that there was a distinct possibility of it happening. It also follows her behavior pattern with men and I have to wonder when this relationship will implode. Yes, I know that that sounds negative, but the woman never seems to think quite clearly when it comes to men in her life. Then again what do I know, I just work with her and watch the melodrama unfold.