mountains go boom The woman cutting my hair this morning started telling me about what her daughter did for a living and parts of what she said me me smirk. Apparently her daughter teaches English in some city in Mexico, but would be moving to Austria later this year to do the same thing at another school. To keep the conversation going I told her that I had been to Austria and mentioned how I was struck by the fact that many if not all of the smaller villages seem to be nestled in the valleys. Hearing this piece of information made the woman nervous. It seems that she lived in Washington years ago and has a fear of mountains coming down and destroying a village. Okay, I can understand Mount St. Helens, but I didn't have the heart to tell her that volcanic activity in the Alps has not been seen in recorded human history. Maybe if her daughter was going to be closer to Pompeii, then there would be cause for concern. I can picture an avalanche in the Alps, but spewing lava probably isn't going to happen any time soon. Then again maybe I am wrong. ... In my travel reading I've moved from the Baltic states down to Poland. ... On the pop culture front, I've noticed that Alanis has a new album coming out this February. I wonder how well it will do since so much has changed from when she debuted years ago. Is there still an audience out there for her? I do have to confess that it was nice to see her in the Gap ad that was aired during the Christmas season. Give a little bit, Alanis.