something more important Phone calls. The past few days have been all about phone calls. My sister had called me late Tuesday night to tell me that our grandma had a stroke earlier in the day. My mom had gone to see her and wait. That was all that my sister could tell me. Actually was she did tell me didn't sound that positive or at the very least it wasn't a good scenario. It seems that the stroke had happened early in the morning at around breakfast time and my great aunt didn't find my grandma until late in the day. I guess that she had been lying there on the floor hearing the telephone ring now and again. I can't imagine what must have been going through her mind. Maybe she knew what was happening to her or maybe she didn't. I don't know. I don't know which would be worse. Her body failed her. Then there were the few medical details in the next few phone calls. Swelling of the brain. Bleed on the brain. No movement on the left side. Then they started to get better. She could wiggle her toes. She did recognize my mom and uncle. Even better today, she can talk and is asking questions. What will hapen next is the question. Seventy-two hours or maybe more to know more about her condition. My grandpa was never the same after he had his first stroke. He was so weak and subdued. It was hard seeing him that way.