destination iota draconis

As much as I enjoyed spending time with my niece the past two days, today was all about trying to get back some of the sleep that I lost on Tuesday and Wednesday.


I think that it first started shortly after my grandfather died last year, but I'm not positive and I might be remembering it wrong. What I am trying to say is that my dad talks more to me than he ever did. I'm not saying that he never had conversations with me, but he seems to be much more open since his dad died. Now with my mom's mom ill he has been talking with me even more since my mom has been at the hospital more than him.

From what my dad has been telling me he wants to work less and enjoy life more, which to me sounds like a good thing and I can certainly understand his reasoning. The past thirty years of his life have been devoted to work so that his family, that would be my mom, my siblings and myself could be safe and secure, but at the same time I think that he feels as though he was distant from us. I don't know. I could be wrong.

Without a doubt his overall focus in life has changed and this is probably for the best. With his dad dead, I think that he feels more vulnerable in some ways and certainly has to worry more about his mom. It wasn't until my grandfather died that we learned how much he did for my grandma. The woman seems so lost without him.

Death and illness does strange things to people and both my dad and I have been affected in different ways.

I am also wondering what life will be like when my parents are gone. Hopefully that is still decades away, but then again it might not be.

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