one two three Since I knew the right room as opposed to the one that I had been given on Tuesday getting to class on time today wasn't a problem. Once I was there I kept looking for her, because when class ended on Tuesday, we said that we'd see each other on Thursday. Yes, I know that that sounds silly and trite, but I was looking forward to it. Just as I was beginning to think that she wouldn't show, she walked into the room. The professor had just placed some handouts for the class at the front of the room and it was there that I spotted her. She followed me to my seat and sat down next to me. At last I could relax. She has a slightly world weary quality about her, but I think that that is to be expected when you are graduating in the spring. I know that I wanted out at the time in my life. School had beaten me down and I was tired of it all. I was tired of the professors prodding me to do this or that and the campus itself felt like a prison. I needed to escape and cared about little else. We talked a little before the professor started talking. Then during a lull I wrote her the following on a piece of paper and slid it in front of her: Do you want to see a play with me on Sunday? She said yes and that we would talk some more after class. Well, after class I found out that Sunday was already filled for her, but that she was willing to go another day. So hopefully I'll be going out with her sometime next week. I have to admit that all of this sounds very junior high, but I am curious to see what makes her tick. I also try not to tell myself that she is probably only twenty-three years old.