happy birthday nicole Her fiance had gotten Nicole a pair of earrings for her birthday and she told me the story of how she almost lost them in the car after he had given them to her. According to her the back wasn't on yet and one of them fell to the floor. Then with a lane change the box holding the other one also tumbled into the darkness. Here she thought that she had lost both of them within minutes of them having been given to her. She felt horrible since the last pair that he had given her had also been lost. They weren't lost by her though, her niece had flushed that pair down the toilet. Thankfully she found both of them when she got out of the car. The previous night at work she had been feeling miserable and eventually went home early so I was happy to see that she was feeling much better today. In fact she was very animated and probably the happiest that I had seen her in a while. We spent about an hour talking when I decided that I should go back to work. I said that I would give her her present later in the morning. Last year I made her a princess complete with pointed hat and sceptre. This time I took a more subtle approach, but I think that I made her feel just as special. At the very least she wasn't as embarrassed. I handed her the envelope and the first thing that she said was that it was thick. Or did she say that it was fat? I don't remember her exact words, but it was a very full envelope. Inside was a birthday card and a gift certificate for one of her favorite clothing stores. I think that she was a little surprised by the dollar amount because she made an oh noise of some sort and muttered something to the effect that I shouldn't have spent so much. I didn't mind. Besides the gift certificate which was really a store debit card loaded with a certain dollar amount, there was also a small poem that I had written about her. I think that she liked that part even more. Nicole has to be of the few women that I have ever written a poem about and or for and I am glad that she likd it. Even though she isn't engaged to me, she does still mean a great deal to me and I wanted her to know it.