stand so close

Even though she was tired, Nicole was in a good mood at work last night. We talked for about forty minutes and that was enough to let me know that we seem to be back to our usual relationship where I hear some of her complaints and other stories. I try to steer her away from negative comments about her fiance, since they do no good in my mind. She might complain, but I know that she will not leave him. On the one hand I can understand her need to vent to someone who will listen, but at the same I do not feel the need to put him down.

His latest mistake it seems was sleeping through their son waking up and escaping from his room. Thankfully the little boy did not hurt himself. Nicole has yet to forgive her fiance for this lack of parental supervision.

I sometimes wonder if the fiance knows how much I like Nicole and I try my best not to come between them even though there have been times when it has happened. In fact there was one time when I put my arm around Nicole's waist, drew her to me and said that I was going to steal his woman away from him. She then snuggled close to me and said to him that I owned my own place, had a new car and wanted to know what he was going to do about it. He didn't say a word and I think that that bothered her. Eventually he said that he trusted her and that was the end of the conversation.

There is another reason I don't want to hear her complain about her fiance. Those stories make me want to be with her that much more. Somewhere in my mind I think that I could do a better job and I should not think that way.

Once again I want to spend as much time as possible with with her since she fills a need in my life and her stories make me smile, but I can't let myself get too close.


There are days when I wonder if am asking too much from life. I mean Nicole seems resigned to her current situation and is able to get by even though she isn't that happy. Is that the better choice than what I am doing? When I step back for a moment I can see that I must be doing something right. I drive a car less than a year old. I own my own home and I am going to Europe this summer. What is there to make me complain?


Just this past Sunday my niece was saying that spring must be coming and that the groundhog must be wrong. With a taste of California winter at fifty-five degrees it was hard to argue with her or convince her otherwise. Starting last night and continuing into today all of that changed. Winter came back in the form of nine inches of snow and cold.


Late in the afternoon I made my way to the comic book shop and experienced something new that made me laugh. I walked into the store and it was empty. Not one person could be seen and with the snow outside that was understandable. It wasn't coming down that hard, but sometimes it is best to stay off of the road. What was strange was the fact that even the clerk was missing.

Ever so slowly I made my way toward the back of the store when I came around some shelves and made a discovery. Lying on the couch sound asleep was the clerk. Sigh. It was so unprofessional yet not surprising. As I said business was probably slow due to the weather, but this was the first time that I had ever caught an employee sleeping on the job.

I think that I had to say his name at least seven times before he woke up and bounced off of the couch. He quickly informed me that I was the second customer of the day. It was three in the afternoon and the store had opened at eleven in the morning so I guess that the weather had kept people away for the day.

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