you might think

I broke one of my personal rules today. I took work home with me and I wish that I hadn't. Sigh. Now I need to go back to the beginning of the story even though I don't want to anymore, because thinking about it ruined most of my morning. School took off some of the edge, but I still had problems falling asleep.

My boss had asked to speak with me before I left work and various things were discussed between us. Essentially he had noticed a change in me and he wanted to know why. To be more precise, he used the ambivalent to describe my behavior. Yes, he is very perceptive. To be fair I had been avoiding him since most of what I had to say was less than professional. Thankfully I am able to dance around a topic as well as he can.

After half an hour of talking with him I walked away knowing that I was right. He probably thought that all was solved and that life would go on without any more problems. Wrong. Speaking with him convinced me of what I already knew. I belong somewhere else and if I don't leave, I will get more and more angry until I lose sight of who I am. My boss is a moron and said some things that are repulsive to me.

I have not and will never allow the opinions of others to affect how I see myself. Yes, I do write here and appreciate when people write to me, but I will not be what my boss wants me to be. I am not a boot licker. I will fawn over this man who runs the department. It will not happen. My career will not be decided by him. A middle aged man with a receding hairline and expanding gut is not a god.


Class was uneventful. Miss Lunch was at one end of the room while Miss Big and Rude and her friends were at the other end. Miss Schoolgirl was subdued to the point of using her coat as a pillow. Amanda had her pulled back and was chattering with her friend. From what I could hear the conversation was less than exciting.

Something caught my eye on campus and no it was another woman. At the bottom of a small hill, on what was left of the recent snow were some black objects. Upon closer inspection I realized that they were cafeteria trays that someone had used as makeshift sleds.

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