nicole in red All trace of anger from yesterday was gone today. Actually to be honest most of what was written about yesterday was far more subdued than what had been going through my mind for most of the day. Phrases like never going to be Joe Sixpack or a Corporate Zombie were an odd mantra for a large part of that morning. Then as I said school took away most of the edge and I could see that there is a world outside of work despite the insanity that my boss likes to preach. Oh, he said that I was free to leave if I wanted and that maybe I had already made that decision, but wouldn't tell him. Sigh. Just shut up is all that I wanted to say, but didn't. He isn't worth my time. Of course on the reverse side, he thinks that all is well and I can better balance my current job while I look for where I want to go next. ... Nothing exciting happened after work this morning, but at least I wasn't angry anymore. I saw that as a good thing. ... Rain washed away the recent eleven inches of snow that had arrived a little over a week ago. With the rain came a return of some spring temperatures and activities. Sounds of a skateboard could be heard after the rain had come and gone. People wanted to be outside and that feeling is going to get stronger as the month wears on.