king without land For the first time in days I had no reason to complain. Nothing special happened, but at the same time very little bothered me. Even with the crazy Wisconsin weather, I don't think that I could have had a better day. Hopefully this good feeling lasts for the rest of my weekend. Now when I say crazy weather I mean it. Some time after midnight the temperature was back in the fifties and it was seriously raining. At around five this morning, I stood outside the front of work and just watched it all come down knowing that it would all change by the end of the day. Besides the unusually warm temperatures for this time of the year and the rain, there was the wind driving it all that really made everything seem odd. Gusts were in excess of sixty miles an hour and they were very audible. I didn't need to hear my neighbor's windchimes to let me know that it was windy. My front windows were making just as much noise as the chimes. ... To pass the time while the weather went insane, I watched my copy of Excalibur. I don't know how many times that I have seen it, but it never gets old. It was made two decades ago, but still holds up very well. In fact I would have to say that I like it more than the recent Lord of the Rings film. That may or may not be a fair comparison, but I doubt that I'll ever buy a copy of LOTR when it comes out on DVD. I never did post my mixed review of LOTR when I saw it a few months ago, but for me I walked away knowing one thing. I knew that I was going to New Zealand next year. The scenery was enough to convince me that I had to go there at least once in my life. Other than that decision, the rest of the movie was just okay. The acting was tolerable, the effects weren't that annoying and my ass didn't hurt by the end of the movie. That may not be an overly positive review, but the movie really didn't hold that much interest for me. Then again I have never been overly fond of the story. ... A year ago Ann wanted to quit and now she really is gone. I have yet to hear from her, which would have been fine except that someone else at work heard from her. He said that her online time is very limited, but I was still a little hurt that I wasn't in that window of communication. Maybe she'll find time for me some time soon. I don't know. ... After reading an article in the most recent issue of The New Yorker, I now know more about the common cold than I ever did before. I guess the best thing to do is wash your hands and keep them away from your eyes and nose. Very little else seems to prevent a cold when the season strikes.