no hug today On her way to have a smoke, Nicole looked into my cup to see what I was drinking. It was milk, which made her wrinkle her nose. This is nothing new and soon we were caught in an old conversation that goes nowhere. She does not believe in drinking milk and that doesn't bother me. Generally speaking a person can drink whatever they like to drink. Some people like milk and some people like soda. It really doesn't matter to me. She, however, feels compelled to tell me why I shouldn't be drinking milk. First of all she can not understand why I would drink something that came from an animal. She also describes this as something that leaks from a cow to which I reply that people leak as well. Some people call that breastfeeding. Her second point against milk is the color itself. She wil not drink something that she can not see through to the bottom of the cup. Sigh. Thankfully someone else pointed out that she drinks Dr. Pepper which is far from being colorless. Now Nicole is not a health guru by any means. For the most part her diet at works consists of Mountain Dew and Dorito chips. Neither of these things are natural and I point that out to her whenever she starts in on my drinking milk. I ask her if the Dorito trees grow next to the Mountain Dew river. She usually replies that Mountain Dew is water. Then I say that it is water with numerous chemicals in it. Yes, we never seem to get anywhere with this silly argument, but it seems to surface every few weeks. Neither of us gets too excited about it and we usually stop after a few minutes. Besides as someone else said to her, milk is probably less harmful than the cancer stick that she puts in her mouth numerous times a day. Oh, I should also add that I am not a dairy advocate either. In fact I loathe cheese in most forms except on pizza. Eating a piece of cheese by itself is enough to make me retch. Something about the smell and texture of cheese is repulsive to me. ... Three and a half hours of sleep is not enough for me. I do just fine wth five, but three leaves me feeling lost if not slightly ill, which is what happened to me today. Early this afternoon, the sounds of my neighbor's son on his skateboard were enough to wake me and I couldn't fall back asleep. One would think that plastic tires and a ramp couldn't make that much noise, but it was enough to make me change rooms for sleeping. Then just as I was about to drift off, the phone rang. On the other end was Summer. I had called her earlier in the day and she was returning my call. She sounded about the same and told me about her upcoming trip to Florida, which I imagine she not only deserves but needs. Beyond some simple catching up very little else was said. She has her world and I have mine and I doubt that the two of them will ever get closer. ... Ever so slowly the plan for my return to Europe is coming together. Now it remains to be seen how fast the month of May gets here.