she sounds sleepy

When the phone rang once again at seven last night I should have stayed awake, but I didn't for some odd reason. More than likely I was feeling just as lost as I had earlier in the day after three hours of sleep and an additional two didn't really make me feel any better. Part of me regrets that I didn't make more of an effort than I did, because when I woke again there was just half an hour of the day left. Sigh. Then again that isn't that unusual for me on a Sunday.

Unlike last week Sunday, I didn't have a play to see so there was less incentive to stay awake, but if I had managed to stay awake, I could have at least caught the latest episode of the ever so slowly dying X-Files. Other people might think that the program is worthless now, but I have to see how it all ends no matter how bad it might be.

Putting aside the sleep issue, the good feeling from Saturday and Sunday was still with me early this morning so I had to call my buddy Nicole to see what she was doing. Naturally she sounded tired and ready to take a nap, but it was good to hear her voice.


Somehow Mondays have become the days when I go to visit my grandma. Since I have the day off from work it's the easiest day for me to visit her and she is always very grateful to see me.

Today during my visit I saw something that I had not seen before and was starting to wonder if I would ever see. I saw my grandma move both her left arm and leg. For a time I had thought that both of those limbs were paralyzed forever. Now I know that they aren't.

I imagine that to some people that might sound like a small thing to get excited about, but she seems so much better than when I first saw her in that awful place. Sadly though as her mind starts to clear, she becomes more and more aware of the miserable conditions of her surroundings. In fact every time that I leave she says that she wants to go home and I say that she will.


At seven o'clock tonight, I sat through a condo association meeting and it felt as though I was there forever. I care about what happens where I live, but only to a certain point. If I had wanted a club atmosphere I would have lived somewhere else.

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