the four schools

Staying awake for twenty-four hours today put a strain on me, but since I got done what I wanted to do, I think that it was worth it.


Coming around the second to last corner before my classroom, I saw a woman walk out in front of me. As I was looking at her, I didn't realize that it was someone that I knew. I just took in the khaki pants and black boots. Then she turned around and I realized that it was Miss Flax. She said hi and I was surprised that I didn't recognize her. Then again most of the time that I see her she is sitting down.

It was nice to see that she knows me and felt the need to say hello, since the last time that we spoke I mildly shocked her. To put it another way, when I casually asked if she was seeing anyone, her reply was a little cautious. Then again it might have been the round about way that I asked her that confused her.

As I've said before this has been a very quiet semester for me. No one really talks to anyone else. Oh, there is a small cluster here and there of people that talk to each other, but the interaction is still small compared to last semester where people across the room would get drawn into a discussion. I guess that I can live without the discussion, but it would be nice to have someone next to me to chat with for a few minutes before class. The three previous semesters that wasn't a problem. This time around I can't seem to find anyone, not that I haven't tried.

In the beginning there was Lost Girl, but conversation with her dried up shortly after she had the fire at her place and I'm not quite sure why either. Now she only comes to class maybe one out of four classes and this week she wasn't in class at all.

Miss Flax is friendly enough, but likes to sit close to the front, which is not where I like to be. Besides she seems to be content by herself and I don't feel the need to be that much of a pest.

As attractive as Amanda's hair might be, the small pieces of conversation that I have overheard between her and her friend have been less than impressive. From what she has said she doesn't strike me as being very bright. Maybe that's just the way she talks with her friend, but I can't be sure. What I do know for sure is that she can get away with wearing plaid green pants, which is not something that every woman can do.


My buddy Nicole has a saying that always makes me smile. "I can't be intelligent and beautiful." Yes, I know that that is as far from being politically correct as possible, but the way that she says it gets to me every time.


After class I made my way across town to the old neighborhood where I used to live. I was going there to kill some time in the local library until the comic book store would open later in the afternoon. While I was there I'd do some more research on my trip to Europe and if things were quiet enough I thought that I might even be able to close my eyes and rest for a little while. Well, I was right about the research part, but I was so wrong about the quiet part.

Two middle aged men seemed to think that the library was the perfect place to discuss their points of view on local politics and whatever else appealed to them. Sigh. I should have know by the wide empty space around them that other people had caught on to the fact that they were loud mouths. Unfortunately most of the good seats were taken so I was stuck with having them within earshot.

I guess that I could have politely told them to shut up, but I didn't.

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