she was sarge

For the first time in weeks I didn't sleep my Sunday away and it was a welcomed change. Somehow after a mere five hours of sleep I managed to switch over to a first shift schedule and stick with it through the rest of the day. The weather wasn't the best, but at least I got more out of my Sunday than I have in the past month.

From what I saw today, late Sunday afternoon television is more of a wasteland than any other time of the week. If a person doesn't like sports all that they are left to choose from are second rate movies and syndicated programs that a big network won't carry. After half paying attention to some darker version of Stand By Me, I went the syndicated route.

Mutant X. I had caught parts of episodes here and there, but today while watching I realized something new. One of the women on the program was Victoria Pratt and I had to laugh. The last time that I saw her on the small screen was in Cleopatra 2525. Yes, I confess I sat through more than one episode of that sadly obvious T&A sci-fi show that went nowhere. It was a bit odd to she her wearing regular clothes and not something left over from Barbarella.

I probably shouldn't be too harsh on Victoria since from what I've read she is a very well trained athlete and could probably beat the crap out of me if we ever got into a fight.

Immediately after that program ended, Tracker with Adrian Paul started. He was the television version of The Highlander so its amusing to see him having another go at a series. This new one doesn't seem as complex as Highlander in terms of supporting cast, but then again it wasn't based on a cult movie.

I don't fault either of them for what they do. More than likely they enjoy their job more than I do mine. I just think that they occupy a certain realm of television that will never get them that much exposure, but once again I am sure that it beats being in an office five days a week.

From second tier series it was on to the latest episode of The Simpsons which had some good moments. Homer was reading various pieces of literature with the cast of the show filling in the roles. Personal favorites would include Chief Quimby as Polonius and the ever lovable Ralph as Laertes.

Finally I got to see what I wanted to see. I got to see the X-Files and I wasn't disappointed. Longtime fans may not like Annabeth Gish, but I can't complain about her.

I promise not to talk about television tomorrow. I've haven't done in it a long time so I guess that I can get away with it today. Sunday usually are throwaway days for me so I don't regret zoning out in front of the television for part of it. Sometimes those kinds of days are needed to offset other things in my life.

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