call me eric

My Monday morning conversation with Nicole was subdued. The very first thing that she said to me was that she was grumpy and that definitely came through the telephone wire. Most of her replies were short and less than exciting, so I let her go earlier than I usually do. Nothing bad had happened to her, she just couldn't sleep the day before work and she sounded as though she needed a nap more than anything.


I know that I say this every time that I get my haircut, but if the woman is new she always comments on how thick my hair is and I say yes I know. I almost see it as a ritual.

While I was waiting for my turn, I paged through a recent issue of Time magazine and read about something that really scared me. Oh, listening to George W. talking about using nuclear weapons is scary enough, but the VeriChip truly frightens me. Why would anyone voluntarily allow someone to put a tracking device under their skin?

The excuse used in the article was for medical purposes. That way if someone was unable to relay what medical condition they might have to the medical personnel on hand, the chip could be scanned in an instant. Uh-hunh. No, thank you. What happened to the good old fashioned medical ID bracelet and or necklace?

There is no way that I would ever ever allow someone to track me in such a fashion. I will never be a cyborg for the government to control and or monitor without my knowledge. Why stop with a chip in the arm? Why not put an input jack at the base of my skull? Sigh.

I personally think that all of the people in the article are insane and should not be allowed to reproduce. Haven't any of these people heard of George Orwell or even caught an episode of the Twilight Zone? Did they miss The Matrix? Hasn't anyone seen Dark Angel? Do I need to cite other examples? Maybe I've just watched too many episodes of The X-Files to see what a wonderful idea this is for humanity. Yeah, whatever.

Science could be used in so many other ways and I have to wonder what other crackpot idea will come down the pipe next. Why not try to clone Hitler and or Stalin to see if we can figure out why they were so evil? That sounds just as kooky. Sigh.


In the mail today, I got the renewal form for my season tickets to the Milwaukee Rep. After looking at the plays for the upcoming season I decided to sign up again. This past season had some real losers in my opinion, but this coming one seems much more promising. Thankfully there were some names that I immediately recognized amongst the group including Agatha Christie and Arthur Miller along with productions of George Eliot's The Mill on the Floss and Herman Melville's Moby Dick. Even better was the complete absence of any musical productions which usually cause me great pain as I slap my hands to my ears once the singing starts.


I finally heard from Ann and she didn't sound happy. Even she used the word mess to describe her current situation. I almost felt as though I were hearing from Cool Hand Luke before he was captured again.

Speaking of depressed people, my grandma seemed to be having a down day when I saw her this afternoon. She keeps talking about getting out and I can hear the fear and worry in her voice.

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