clouds of jupiter


an open window

Spring might actually be here or I am sure that that is what everyone is hoping will happen. For the first time in months I opened a window on my house this afternoon and could let in some fresh air. Soon after that I was out on my porch surveying the matted down brown lawns with patches of ice and the bare trees. With any luck there might be a hint of leaves on the trees a month from now.

Oddly enough this warm weather coincides nicely with my spring break. Now when I say the phrase spring break, I'm not talking about the kind of spring break where hordes of college students strip down to nothing and get completely drunk for days. All that I am hoping for is a nice week of above the freezing mark temperatures. Besides my real break will be in Australia, where I am sure I'll see more than one good looking woman on a beach.

Actually this winter was fairly mild after we got close to five feet of snow in December. From that point on it was relatively tolerable if not dull.


Europe is still on my mind and I sat through some programs on Ireland. It was one of the places that I wanted to go to last year, but couldn't fit into my schedule. Ann said that she wanted to go with me next year and that may or may not happen.

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