hero of stalingrad Without the allure of the sun to help the temperature, today didn't seem nearly as spring like as yesterday did. The lack of sun also made it easier to see a matinee. Yesterday I wouldn't have been able to justify sitting inside to watch a movie, but today that wasn't a problem. Going outside just didn't seem that appealing. My choice of viewing for the afternoon was Enemy at the Gates. All four of the principal actors are favorites of mine so I had a strong feeling that I would like it. I was right. The confrontations between Jude Law and Ed Harris carried the film. Obviously this is not the average World War II film, nor is it Saving Private Ryan. What is was for me was more of a case study with an odd romantic triangle cobbled onto it. I also think that I have had my fill of bullets to the head. ... I've been thinking some more about graduate school and it truly is a matter of how much I want it. Just as I passed the certification exam for work with some more effort on my part, I also know that I could get into graduate school. I just have to make a few decisions first. Do I want to get a new job in June? Do I want to leave Milwaukee to go to another graduate school and look for a job wherever that might happen to be? Do I want to reapply here with a stronger approach? What really interests me in the world of literature? Am I drawn to themes of a modern hero? Do I see books as providing answers to larger questions in life? Are there any current modes of critical theory that speak to me? Can I be happy with just a new job this summer and do without school in the fall? Right now all of these questions are spinning in my head. Here are some of the quick and easy answers that I have come up with so far. August will be three years at my job and for me that is a record since I left undergraduate school. Naturally this leads me to believe that leaving is a good idea if not overdue. Combine this answer with my belief that there will never be a job that can completely hold my interest for very long and that makes finding a new job a priority. School suddenly comes in second on the list. Nothing is final at this point and I have yet to commit to anything.