clouds of jupiter


one less task

Early this afternoon, I broke down and rented the movie Gladiator. Having seen the earlier film version from the nineteen sixties called The Fall of the Roman Empire, I was familiar with Commodus and the general who threatened his rule. Not too suprisingly I prefer The Fall over Gladiator, which to me was all gore and very little character study. I also seem to remember that the Roman general didn't die in The Fall but walked away after he killed Commodus and left the senators and other generals to make a bid for the role of caesar.

From what little I do know about Roman history, Commodus did indeed rule during that ime, but I am beginning to suspect that the general was an amalgamation of a number of people from that time. I could be wrong though.


Spring started out on a good note here in Wisconsin and I can only hope that it continues to get better as the weeks go by.

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