spring was yesterday Last night before work I went to a party. I'd been invited a few weeks back and I was looking forward to it. I needed something to break up my routine of work, sleep, eat and then repeat. It was the first time in months if not this year that I drank any real amout of alcohol. I don't regret going, but I knew that there was no way that I could drink as freely as everyone else there. None of them had to be at work by eleven thirty that night. Going to work with even a mild buzz is not a good thing to do. Obviously there are the professional concerns, but past experience has also taught me that once that good feeling fades, the rest of the shift at work feels like an eternity. Unfortunately I drank just enough to make my body achy, dehydrated and feeling more tired than I had felt in days. Sigh. Before I went I knew that it would be awkward for me since the only person that I knew was the hostess. Everyone else would be and was a stranger to me. My hope was that the social lubricant known as alcohol would break down some of those barriers and get me into some conversations. As good of a plan as that might have been, it didn't have enough time to work. By the time that I left people were just starting to get serious with the drinking. In fact a drinking card game was getting under way when I walked out the door. On the other hand it was probably for the best that I left when I did. There was still an hour for me to eat some food and sober up. I have no idea what the people thought when I left so early, but I guess that it doesn't really matter since I didn't really know them anyway. Oh, I have nothing against them, but at the same time I wasn't about to miss work for them. Nor was I being asked to stay by the woman of my dreams. Actually the women were just starting to trickle into the party when I made my exit. ... Since her fiance was around I didn't get to talk that much with Nicole. Part of that is understandable and part of it is probably territorial as well. Why should I be spending time with her when the man that loves her is there? Although I did get asked to intevene when the two of them got into a rather strange argument about slavery of all things.