easter sunday snow When I walked out of work this morning, snow was swirling in the air. Yes, I said snow. Oh, it wasn't anything that would stay for long, but at the same time it wasn't something that I had expected to see. It was classic snowglobe snow that fell and moved with the changing wind. April is almost here and one would hope that we have seen the last of the white stuff, but that wasn't the case this morning. ... Before I walked out of work to start my weekend, I talked with my buddy Nicole for about half an hour. Once again her boss was antagonizing her and we both know that his behavior is far from professional. For a moment she was having her doubts and was wondering if it was all in her head and I told her no. He does things to her that are unfair and I so wish that it wasn't that way. ... I think that the holiday brought my family together for the first time since Christmas, but I could be wrong. What I do know for certain is that my sister getting a place of her own was a big topic at the supper table. She will be the last of the children to leave the nest and I think that it is a good move for her despite all of the teasing that she got from my parents, brother and myself. My sister has never been very good at saving money, nor is she that tidy of a person when it comes to her room. As to whether either of those habits will change when she moves into her own place has yet to be seen. ... Since I was awake and on a first shift schedule for a third Sunday in a row, I got to watch a new episode of The X-Files and I wasn't disappointed. On another television viewing note, a friend of mine pointed out to me that the episode of Smallville that I saw was clearly a Spiderman homage and or parody. As soon as he said it I shook my head and wondered why I didn't catch the obvious references. There was a high school social misfit that gained powers from radioactive insects and it went right by me. Sigh. Maybe I was too distracted by the actress portraying Lana Lang who is the reason that California Dan watches the show. I don't know. What I do know is that the upcoming Spiderman movie is going to be awful. Once again I have to wonder if the people who make the movie even read the comic book. For example, I want to know why The Green Goblin looks like an android. Does this make him more interesting? Why focus on Mary Jane? Gwen Stacy was a much better character than Mary Jane and was killed during a battle with The Green Goblin. I keep telling myself that they have to make composites of characters to keep the movie down to a manageable size, but at the same time I wonder why they bother. Of course none of this matters to the average moviegoer who seemed to love the horrible if not campy X-Men film that made me want to walk out of the theater. Little do they know that there is an almost forty year history to what they are seeing and they are getting a very watered down version of a myth. Then again maybe I am too close to the material to be objective about it. ... The public television program Nova just aired an excellent episode on Ernest Shackleton. What he and his men isn't new to me, but I am still so impressed by what they did that I watched the program three times. I also learned that Kenneth Branagh is going to portray Shackleton in an upcoming cable movie.