clouds gathered overhead Last night Jen couldn't get over the fact that I work third shift on the weekends. For me I really don't think that much about it any more. I mean I still do things, I just don't stay out until three in the morning anymore. Plus my last girlfriend didn't seem to mind. On the other hand the next three weekends will be spent thousands of miles from work. For some reason I never seem to settle for the ordinary. Why should I spend my Friday nights in the local corner bar, when I can be spending the night in Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen? Yes, I imagine that for the locals it's just an amusement park, but I am hoping that it'll be a little more for me. ... The other night on television I watched as Ian Wright gave us a tour of Japan and he started to change my mind about going there. I've always thought of Japan as being over crowded and that thought never seems to leave my mind. The idea of all of those people just milling around is such a turn off for me. I hate crowds with a passion. He kept stressing two things about Japan that stuck with me. One of them was how polite the people were there and the second was how safe he felt walking the streets of Tokyo. Oh, I also keyed into the fact that food is very important to them as a people. That last one didn't surprise me. Ian just went to great detail to show how and why this was so wherever he went. Another piece of information that stayed with me was the fact that no matter how hard a person may try to assimilate into the culture, he or she will never be seen as Japanese. It just won't happen. He or she will always be perceived as an outsider. Japan is not a melting pot. ... Today was all about sleep. I let myself sleep until the dreams started to take a nostalgic turn. In one of them I had a conversation with my best friend from grade school. Then in another one I had a long conversation with a girl from high school that I never dated, but suspect wanted me to ask her out. There was a hug that she gave me one time that lasted just a little too long for being a friendly one. ... The album Murmur by R.E.M. still sounds as fresh today as it did back in 1983. Stipe and the boys really did have something at that time and I'm glad that I was there when it happened. Oh, I don't mean that I ever saw them play in Athens, Georgia or anything, I just meant that I was young and there when they first surfaced on the music scene. Now I have no idea what people must think of them. ... Milwaukee can't seem to shake winter. A mottled sky was there to greet me as I drove home from work in the morning. If I didn't know better I might have thought that it was February instead of May as I turned the heat up in my car. They are predicting frost tonight and through most of the weekend.