grace kelly sang

My going to Europe for the second time is finally starting to feel very real to me. I'll be there in less than a week and I have to wonder if these last few days before I leave are going to drag or not.


After work this morning, I decided to get my monthly haircut. Obviously I want to look my best when I am in Europe and I doubt that I'll want to waste time trying to get one while I am there. As charming as it might be to do something ordinary while I am there, I think that I can spend my time better doing more sightseeing.

Since I was in a hurry I made the mistake of not making an appointment before I went and that meant that I ended having an hour and a half wait. Most of that time was spent reading women's magazines after I read the single issue of Time magazine that was there. I now know more beauty secrets for women than I really need to know.

In that Baz Luhrmann sunscreen song there is a line that says do not read beauty magazines, because they will only make you feel ugly and I have to agree. I now know that it is possible to preventing sweating from the armpits by getting Botox injections. The procedure isn't permanent, but lasts for weeks. I'm not saying that wet armpits are attractive on women, but fifteen shots for each pit does seem a little extreme. I also found out that there is more permanent solution in the form of surgery.


Before I left for work tonight, I watched the movie High Society with Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly and Frank Sinatra. Most of the plot was predictable, but I still had to watch just because Grace was in it. As I've said before the woman had style and she was wonderful in both Rear Window and To Catch A Thief. Seeing her alternate between Bing and Frank in this quasi musical vehicle was a little hard for me to believe though.

I may not be a woman, but if I were Grace I am sure that I could have done better than those two choices.

I keep trying to think of another modern trio of people today that would be the equivalent of Bing, Grace and Frank. With the concept of the musical being dead with the exception of Moulin Rouge, male singers who take a crack at acting are rare today. What I mean is that Mark Wahlberg is not Bing Crosby, nor is Ewan McGregor Frank Sinatra.

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