that iron curtain It felt good to show my vacation photos to my friends at work. Each time that I see and or talk about the photos I remember more and more of my trip and that is something that I want to keep doing. In that short span of time I packed an incredible amount of living that I don't want to forget so I want to record as much of it as I can here even though it will take time. By talking about it as often as I can will keep those events fresh until I can put them into words. I never saw my trip a being a political event. What I mean is that I wasn't going there to see what they thought of America and its place in the world. Yes, it was something to be walking through what were former communist countries, but at the same time these are still people to me. Their lives may differ at times, but people generally want the same things from life. They want the people that they know and love to be happy. I know that I keep talking about the trip in broad terms, but I am finding it hard to just focus on one element of it. I went from Warsaw to Berlin and then on to Copenhagen. From there Stockholm, Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius followed. Each place was a combination of various palaces, castles and churches with a new language to further complicate matters. Trying to get all of that into words is going to be a real challenge for me. Without a doubt this trip to Europe was different than my first one. Not only were the countries different, but the overall pace of the trip was different. Personally I think that we may have moved too fast. I knew ahead of time that this was going to be a sampler tour of the countries, but maybe staying in one place for more than two days would have been better. Oh, even though it might sound crazy, I am already thinking about my next trip. I am going to New Zealand. Originally I was going to go there next year, but I think that I can fit that in this December. In fact I think that it would be a great idea to spend my birthday in another country.