melting once again

I think that it was on Thursday that I had to turn the air back on at my place. The heat had returned in full force and I had little choice if I wanted to get some sleep. June or at least what I have experienced of it has been a very tropical month here in Wisconsin and I have to wonder if this trend is going to continue on through July and August. I have this feeling that my electric bill is going to be incredibly high this season.


Saturday night at work was just as calm as Friday night had been for me except I didn't get to spend as much time with Nicole as I did then. About all that we had was a few minutes on the telephone. I wished her a happy fourth of July since she has the night off from work and I won't get to see her again until Friday night. As for me I'll be at work and it'll be just another day for me, but I don't care. The fourth has never meant that much to me anyway.

Once I got home I let the day quietly slip away from me and that was fine with me. I took some time to read and ignore the heat outside.

On the travel front I've been doing research on both New Zealand and Barcelona, Spain. New Zealand would be my first choice, but Spain would take less time and cost less. I've got about seven days of vacation with my usual weekend added to that amount giving me a total of nine days to escape. That may or may not be enough for New Zealand taking in the flight time, but I think that a little over a week in Barcelona would be just fine. A third and less exotic option would be the American Southwest, which would cost the least and be the simplest choice of the three. I've got a few more months to make up my mind. Whatever I decide to do, I know that I am not going to be home in the beginning of December.

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