cool front arrived After yesterday's somewhat spirit crushing effect on me, the Fourth of July surprised me by being rather pleasant and that changed my mood completely. Usually I don't give that much thought to the day and wasn't expecting anything from it, but now that it has come and gone, I really can't complain. I didn't spend the day with a charming woman like I did a year ago, but I had a nice time with my family just sitting around eating and talking. That day wasn't that far from my mind, because I did take a moment to ask my sister about Summer and what she was doing for the day. My sister said that Summer had to work so even if we were still a couple we may not have been able to spend the day together. Oh, well, it seems as though the past will remain in the past. I'm not sure why I should think about such things since we haven't even seen each other once this year. From what my sister told me, Summer cut her hair and I tried to update my mental image of her, but couldn't. Maybe I should give her a call this weekend.