snowboarding through life

For the second Friday in a row I got to spend a good part of the night with my buddy Nicole and this time there was less arguing between her fiance and her.

The three of us talked movies and I was happy to hear that they also liked Vanilla Sky. What was funny was hearing Nicole give her review of Ocean's Eleven. Basically she thought that the whole premise of the movie was flawed. She couldn't understand the amount of money that they spent to rob a casino. If they had that much money already than why did they need to steal more was what she wanted to know. Plus she thought that their plan hinged on too many impossible points. It was too unbelievable for her.

As for me I've only seen part of Ocean's Eleven. It was being shown on my recent flight to Europe and it put me to sleep. I saw them gathering together all of the people and the discussion of the plan and that was the last thing that I saw. When I woke up John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale were getting back together in Serendipity.


A good part of the day was spent watching all of the special features on the DVD copy of Vanilla Sky that my sister had lent me. The audio commentary with Cameron was good, but as one reviewer described it, he does tend to drift from the subject matter of the movie every so often. The casual flow of his thoughts was nice, but it almost became too relaxed as various sounds could be heard in the background.

He said that there were four basic ways to see the film and I was glad to hear that I seemed to support the one that Cameron advocated. Basically the film is about love and being able to be the best person one can be in life. That may sound overly new age and or simplistic to some people, but it still works for me on some levels.

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