something to distract Even though it didn't come across in what I wrote, both Saturday and Sunday were very good days for me. Any stress from earlier in the week had disappeared and I felt like myself again and more importantly could enjoy life. Work finally stopped being the focus of my life and I hope that it stays that way next week with the absence of my boss. I still wish that I hadn't let it get to me as much as it did. ... On Friday night Saturday morning, Nicole and I had an interesting if not slightly odd discussion about flamingos. The subject matter was very her and spending time with her made the night go by quickly. However, when I left work Sunday morning, Nicole was in a panic. Her mom had called to tell her that Nicole's dog was very ill. Then to make matters worse for Nicole, her parents weren't sure if they wanted to pay for the dog to have an operation. Now I may not have a pet myself, but I know that for Nicole her pets mean everything. One of them dying would devastate her. I wanted to call her last night before she went to work to get an update, but I fell asleep before I could and then I missed another chance this morning. There might be some sad news waiting for me the next time that we talk. ... Before I left my parents' place on Sunday, we watched Black Hawk Down and I had some mixed feelings about the movie. First of all the genre itself has very little appeal to me even though it is based on events that really happened. Obviously the United States has been interfering in African affairs for decades, but I always have a hard time understanding why. About the only thing that kept me with the movie to the end was the fact that it was directed by Ridley Scott, the man behind the first Alien film and Bladerunner. ... As of one this afternoon, I was back in school and it felt good to be there. This was the class that had been recommended to me last semester and so far it seems to be what had been described to me a few months ago. Being back in school helps me focus more on what I need to do during the day. With four hours taken out of my day, I use the rest of the day far more wisely than I have in the past month or so. Ever since I got back home from Europe, I've been caught in a freefall of sorts. I've wanted to get some personal projects going, but somehow my life shrunk down to work and trying to spend as little time there as possible. That kind of living isn't healthy in my opinion. ... With a self imposed limit on my spending, I've become that much more aware of the number of books that I own, but have yet to read. ... Halliburton is in India talking about the Taj Mahal and on one level I can appreciate his loving description of the place, but honestly the Taj has never had that much of an appeal to me. Yes, there is an enormous amount of sentiment behind the construction, but in my mind the allure isn't there. Actually India as a whole isn't very high on my list of places to see.