strong eastern breeze

Most of yesterday was devoted to my family. Not only had I not seen them in a couple of weeks, but some other members of the family from out of state were coming by to visit.

Work had ended quietly enough on Sunday morning, but I didn't get to see Nicole. I just went home and slept for a few hours before I went to the family gathering. Under a cloud filled sky that delivered a small amount of rain much food was eaten and stories were told.


On Sunday I found out that Hope can go with me to New Zealand next January so I need to devote some more time to planning that trip if I can. I had shifted my focus to Spain in December, but I should still be able to do both if I budget my money for the rest of the year.

Another thing that happened on Sunday was that I gave my niece four action figures from Phantom Menace. I had bought them when the movie first came out as a joke, but I never did anything with them. Well, since she loves the movie and wanted to play with my figures from the original trilogy, this seems like a good solution to me.


The transition from Sunday to Monday is never a smooth one for me. Part of me wants to stay awake on a third shift schedule, but that would make going to class in the afternoon harder than it should be so as a compromise I fell asleep at three in the morning.

Class went fine and Sarah was back in class with a sweater firmly tied around her waist preventing any exposed small of the back. She has a very refined sense of fashion that makes me eager to see her.

Now into my third week of the routine, I finally have the commute worked out to the point where it doesn't cause any stress. A key factor is to drive without any music on to distract me and or cause me to get more excited. For example, listening to Weezer's Maladroit would not be a good idea no matter how much I like the song Dope Nose. The more sound of Diana Krall is a better choice, but silence seems to work the best. I can concentrate on the road and the erratic actions of the other drivers. The lack of sun and less heat also made the ride that much more enjoyable.


After class this afternoon, a strong breeze prevented me grilling outside, but at least it kept the house cool. One might even say that it was a taste of autumn, but I'm sure that summer will surface again soon enough. In fact I remember sweating on more than one day of walking to class last fall.


My sister Heather and I had exchanged DVD collections on Sunday. She got my copy of season two of The X-Files and I got her copy of season one of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. So late in the afternoon as I did some laundry, I immersed myself into the beginnings of the Buffy mythology, which was new to me. I've watched the program here and there, but something was always missing from it to get me fully hooked. I can see the amount of effort that goes into the writing, but I can't relate to any of the characters. Plus I'm not that fond of Sarah Michelle Gellar and was curious to learn from the commentary that she'd originally been cast as Cordelia.

It was interesting to see the very first appearances of the cast members and how they interacted in the beginning of the show. Obviously things have changed over the years and seeing the foundation being laid was certainly worth my time. For me the creative process is fascinating and being able to hear what Josh Whedon was trying to do with the characters and the show in general means a great deal to me. I'm not saying that I agree with everything that he said, but at the same time, it is fun to hear his point of view.

According to Whedon the crux of the show is the odd if not emotionally traumatic world of high school and I guess that that is where the program fails for me. High school isn't something that haunts me nor do I dwell on that part of my life that often. I went to two different schools and I've seen how system works. People want to have friends and be accepted. For me that theme usually stays with people throughout their lives except in the world of adults there is more freedom of choice. People still assign labels, but a person is able to change their circumstances rather than being stuck with the same people for four years of their lives.

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