perseid meteor shower

After watching The Shipping News with the audio commentary on this morning, I was reminded of another reason why I liked the film besides having read the book. It suddenly came to me as I was sitting there that I've been to where the film takes place and for me that makes it more real. I know from first hand experience that there is such a place where the ocean hammers the shore and people manage to make a living there.

Okay, I haven't been to Newfoundland, but I have been to Nova Scotia, which is where some of the movie was filmed so if it was close enough for them then it's close enough for me.

Three years ago I stood on those rocky shores facing the Atlantic. Three years ago I kayaked in those same waters. I had almost forgotten how much I liked being there. Maybe I need to go back again sometime. Of course winter might be a different story.


As I was eating breakfast this morning, the doorbell rang. Waiting on the other side of the door was my ever charming mail carrier with a package from Amazon. Inside said package were three new music DVDs that I had purchased. A week or so ago I noticed that I hadn't ordered anything from Amazon since April and I thought that I needed to reward myself for holding off for so long.

One of the three was Shakira Unplugged and after watching her perform, I have to say that the woman knows how to work a crowd. Her music isn't bad either. On a strictly physical note, I also have to say that Shakira looked better with her hair tinged with red. The blonde look just doesn't work for me.


My horoscope for today said:

Having friends in high places is a definite advantage -- and one that puts you a step ahead of all of your competitors at the moment. It's a good thing that you keep in touch so well, because a few of those connections are about to come in handy. Simplicity makes an appearance. An easy answer looks great when it's the only one. Someone who doubted you now changes their mind.

Well, the way that I interpret those vague lines is that my professor gave me some much needed advice this afternoon. Let me explain. My biggest problem being back in school is that I have an outsider status as opposed to years ago when I lived and breathed the campus. I may not have been a major social butterfly back then, but I had a much better understanding of the programs and the instructors. Now I know next to nothing about who is the best person to speak with on certain issues, so I keep fumbling from person to person. Maybe that has finally changed or at least I hope that it has in some way.


Dark clouds were in the north and ever so slowly made their way over my house. The option of sitting outside was taken from me by the falling rain. So as the thunder made itself known and forced me inside, I watched the second music DVD that had come in the mail. It was Diana Krall live in Paris.

Yes, I can go from Colombian rock singer to Canadian jazz pianist in the same day.

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