some more conversation Obviously the rain prevented me from going out to see what I could of the perseid meteor shower, but besides that small complaint yesterday had to be the best Monday that I have had in a long time. A combination of the rain and the sound of Diana Krall's voice put me to sleep by eight in the evening. Then when I started to wake up again in the early morning hours, I stayed up rather than letting myself fall back asleep. After having such a productive and successful Monday, I wanted my Tuesday to go just as well and I think that it did. Since I didn't fall prey to more broken sleep, I got my homework done with plenty of time to spare and was able to enjoy part of the morning. Then later in the afternoon class went well with Sarah and I having a conversation that had nothing to do with her underwear this time. It was nice talking with her and as awkward as it sounds she seems like a reasonably well adjusted person. I guess that I say that because I tend to get drawn towards women with problems of some kind or they are drawn to me. There had been some rumbles of thunder while I was sitting in class, but I had no idea if it was still raining until the class was over and I could see out a window. Unfortunately it was still raining and by the time that I reached my car, my shirt was reasonably wet. I'm not really complaining. A little rain is far easier to take than snow and wind, which will be here soon enough in the coming months. ... Oh, I neglected to mention that my current professor was the department chair two years ago so he should know something about the mechanics of the school.