the trend ends Before I went to class I saw on the local news as to why the parking on the streets near the campus had been temporarily rescinded yesterday. It seems that today President Bush was speaking at the college for some reason or other that held little interest to me. Yes, even though it might sound harsh to some people, the events from last year haven't changed my lack of respect for anything that has to do with politics. Nor has my opinion of the leader of this country changed. To me he still comes across as a good old boy from Texas. ... It seems odd to know that there is just one day of class left and then all that I'll have to do is go to work. Obviously this break will only last a couple of weeks, but it'll probably feel odd in the beginning. The four weeks went by fast. ... I should have know that it would happen. After having two good days in a row, today was almost miserable. Class was fine, but one can sense that the end is near. In fact about half the class didn't come back after the break and Sarah was part of that crowd. Then when I got back home, I could not fall asleep no matter how much I wanted or tried. I was so tired that sleep became an effort. I think that that makes sense. ... On a completely unrelated note, my brother let me know that Prague is flooding and I have to say that it's sad to see such a charming city in such trouble.