chinese fortune cookie 16:00 22 August, 2002 At last I have been given an answer from the stars. My horoscope for today says: "Your lack of energy may have something to do with the fact that you've been ignoring basic health issues, such as getting enough sleep and exercise. A few moments of attention to your body will bring peace of mind. Carry this attention to detail over into other areas of your life as well. Focus on the details of every project, but try to maintain a bird's eye view. Tonight keep an open mind as you are asked to participate in a group activity. Share in the responsibility of the group, or you won't be asked to join in the festivities again." At the moment the part about sleep and exercise is very true, because I have been thinking of getting out on the bike again. My body is just screaming for some kind of physical activity. As for the sleep portion, I'd have to say that it has been getting better these past few days. In fact I got five hours of sleep today and I might get some more before I go to work tonight. That may not seem healthy to other people, but a full eight is not something that I see that often and generally only happens on my weekends. ... Instead of getting more sleep I watched part of Abre Los Ojos, the film that inspired Vanilla Sky. At first I was going to watch it without the subtitles, since I expected to know most of the plot. Well, I think that that lasted for about fifteen minutes or so. It quickly became apparent to me that I do not know enough conversational Spanish. The film still worked me without the Cameron Crowe elements that I seen and enjoyed in Vanilla Sky. As to which version I prefer, I can't really say.