sadly humidity returns At first I wasn't going to talk about it, but the topic of money and where mine seems to be going has been on my mind lately. In what has to be a bad joke, it looks as though work might renege on reimbursing me for my tuition. What that would mean is that all of the spare money from my budget would go towards school in an effort to escape my job. Yes, I have to pay to get a better life and suffer at my current job while doing it. The tricky mechanics of getting money from another source is haunting me at the moment since said job pays me too much money for me to get any kind of assistance. Of course another option would be to lose my job in a fit of anger and or disgust and then have no money at all. If that happened then I could be a student full time and live off of the system. The possibilities are endless. Whatever. I love my life. Sort of. Sometimes. Maybe. Where is that elusive positive thinking? I like to think that I do an okay job of managing my money, but these final months of the year are going to be hard. I do have some money in reserve, but that is for my next trip to Europe and I refuse to tap into that supply for anything else. Some people put away money for Christmas while others put away money for a house, but I put money aside for travel. ... On a completely different note, I think that I have managed to save my jade plant. For some unknown reason a plant that is considered by most people an easy plant to grow is the one plant that up until now has been dying on me. Each day another waxy leaf or two would be lying next to the pot and I had no idea why. Now after a couple of weeks the whole outer ring of the plant has withered away leaving a hopefully healthy center. None of my other plants are dying so I have no idea what I am doing wrong with the jade plant.