various emotional moments

In the early morning hours at work I spent some quality time with my buddy Nicole. She had some new stories about her son complete with some mimicry of him to enhance the stories. It seems that he has a special way of pronouncing certain words and she has no idea why he does it. Most of the time he says words just like everyone else, but a few exceptions include the words snow and excuse. We agreed that he almost seems to give them a nasal foreign accent to them, but what was even better was watching Nicole make these sounds. She would scrunch up her nose to get the correct sound.

As I was standing next to her another coworker came by and said that I was looking at Nicole with seduction eyes or something to that effect. She ignored him and went on talking.


One of the last things that I did at work this morning was finish my annual review with my boss and it went surprisingly well. Last week Friday the two of us had talked about some issues so this was just a follow up to what we had already discussed.

Most of what he had written about my performance mirrored what I had written in my self review. The two of us just phrased our thoughts in a slightly different manner, but the underlying content however was the same. Thankfully both of them were positive.


When I left work this morning I felt as as close to nirvana as I have been in a long time. In a less exaggerated way, I'd say that nothing bothered me or that I was at peace with myself. Work meant nothing to me. What had needed to be said was said and I've come to realize that I'll probably be at my job for at least another year so that I can finish school.

I guess that I felt free this morning. For the first time in days I didn't have to drive to the east side for school, nor did I have to do anything for school. All of my obligations had been met.

Sadly this calm feeling was gone later in the day and the mundane came back to me.


Tonight was the biweekly dinner night that my relatives do and that cut slightly into my sleep, but I didn't mind. Once there it was the usual conversation with one highlight that stayed with me. My cousin jokingly asked if I was ever go to stop going to school and I really couldn't give him an answer.

Unlike some people I don't see myself as a perpetual student to avoid getting a job. I do it because my job doesn't make me happy and I need something else in my life that makes me think.

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