ambient magnetic fields In the early morning hours of the day I watched part of a science program about Mercury and Venus. They may have moved on to the rest of the planets in the solar system, but I don't know for sure because I fell asleep. What I do remember is hearing about the double sunrise effect on Mercury and the crushing atmosphere of Venus. ... Ever so slowly I am starting to adjust to the teaching style of this new professor. Having had the same person for my last two classes has made me expect certain things from an instructor and things are different this time. I guess that the man gets his point across but he goes about it in a round about way that bothers me slightly. I prefer more of a direct lecture than a give and take chat session. Due to the crowded element of the class I've been sitting at the very back of the class and that gives me a good overall view of the rest of my fellow students. Obviously I am not there to gawk at the rest of the class, but I can't help looking and making some general observations. For example, I am amazed at how much all of the women look the same. There has to be at least five women that meet the description of blond with a ponytail, dressed in a baby tee and low rise jeans. One would almost believe that they had been handed a dress code that they were required to follow. There are some exceptions though and they definitely stand out from that prototype. Sitting next to me by the back wall was someone who seemed even less in tune with the lecture style than me. Every so often she would slump down in her seat and then give me a look of could this be any worse. Then it happened. There was this low mechanical sound that came from the other side of the wall. It sounded as though a generator or engine of some sort was starting and then stopping. Neither of us had any idea of why that was happening and we kept waiting for the next cycle to begin. |