monday morning fog

The day started out slow as it usually does for me, but I didn't mind. Now that I've switched sections, class is late in the afternoon on Monday rather than earlier in the day. What this means is that I can keep more of a third shift schedule and still make it to class. Not only does this give me more of a weekend, but it also allows for more sleep and will work even better on Wednesday when I'll have worked the night before class.

When I had gone to this class last week the professor had asked if anyone wanted to switch to the other section because space was limited. Now that I've been to the other section I can see what he meant by that comment. I went from a class of forty students to one with seven. For me that was a nice change and I'll probably get more out of the class since there is more individual attention.

Being on campus that late in the day was a first for me and I liked it for a couple of reasons There weren't as many people in the bookstore and I didn't have to dodge the parking police. Besides those two things, the campus itself felt more calm and welcoming. I'm not saying that I feel threatened during the day, I'm just saying that there isn't the same sense of urgency.

There is one final advantage to have early evening classes and that would be the return commute. The ride home from class was so relaxed compared to what I had to do during the summer session. Now rather than riding out the rush hour crowd, I can aim for the sunset and take my time.


Sadly going to class was about the most productive thing that I did all day. The rest of my time was spent avoiding the heat and wondering when fall is going to start. Personally I am tired of the heat and am more than willing to welcome the changing colors and cooler temperatures.


After months of frustration, my parents have finally decided to get a new computer to replace the one that they currently use and I couldn't be happier. It has been four years since they bought it and the problems never seem to go away. Oh, in the beginning things were fine, but now I would swear that they were trying to drive a twenty year old car as though it just came off of the lot and that isn't working very well. My dad was slow to come around to the idea, but a new computer will alleviate the stress caused by their current machine.

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