third person mood

As awkward or as detached as it may have sounded, what I wrote yesterday was essentially my day. For me it was a day just like any other day of the week. I wasn't about to write anything concerning the national event from a year ago. It wouldn't have made sense to me.

Not to belittle the people that were involved or knew someone that was involved, but I don't want to hear about it anymore. I also have a hard time understanding the people who continue to obsess over this event. If I knew someone that died that day I wouldn't want to have people keep reminding me about it.

Maybe I'm just over sensitive to the media manipulation. Maybe I've reached the acknowledge and move on stage faster than other people.

I honestly did not watch any of the television coverage nor did I visit any news sites online. I didn't want to hear anything at all about it.


Most of this week was devoted to school and trying to adjust to the new schedule. Now that it's over for the week, I think that I can say that I succeeded. I didn't feel as though I was losing out on sleep and my stress level didn't get out of control either.

It feels good to be in school, but at the same time looking at some of my classmates makes me feel old. I'd guess that some of the female students are twenty-two at most and that seems a long way from where I am today. They all seem so young and positive to me. Plus quite a few of them make it hard to concentrate in class. When the girl sitting to my left did a stretch I just couldn't look away. She probably didn't know how hot she looked at the moment.

As attractive as they look, I still have to wonder if I'd anything in common with them except what happens in class. Twenty-two seems like a completely different world to me full of parties and endless potential. Maybe I'm wrong.

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