the television footage

Like I said in an email, I can only watch the same footage so many times, before I have had enough. Sigh. I have always known that the world is not a friendly place, but more often than not that happens somewhere else.

Various people have asked me if any of this changes my plans to go to Europe next year. I don't know. I can't say what will be happening next summer. All of that seems so far away now.


Hey, gas stations, ease up on the panic. Stop taking advantage of people. Stop adding to the chaos. What happened to a united front. Morons.


I signed papers for a mortgage today, but obviously rates are frozen because of recent events.


07:30 pm

A cold front has just passed through the city so the temperature has dropped as has the sun for the day. According to the weather forecast autumn will be here for the next few days and life continues to go on. People go to work and school and then watch the news. Yes, even here in the Midwest far from the chaos of New York, things still seem odd.

Having just lost my grandfather a few weeks ago, I can't imagine what those people in New York with missing loved ones must be thinking. At least I saw my grandfather before he died. I got to shake his hand one more time.

Cell phone calls from people knowing that they were going to die. I don't know if I want to hear anymore.



After speaking with her numerous times on the telephone, it was great to finally meet Tonia in person this morning. Tonia is my mortgage contact and I could have hugged her after signing the papers. She was so understanding and helpful that I was amazed. In fact I am so grateful that when I close on the condo I am going to send her flowers.

I wish that I could better explain why having a place of my own has suddenly become so important to me, but I can't.

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