Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


some canadian air

Day three of class went well. Since they were busy paving the street where I usually park, I had to walk a little farther to get to campus this time. I didn't mind. The rain from yesterday had given way to a slow autumn breeze and a cool blue sky. For me this was perfect walking weather and I couldn't have been happier about it.

Something about being back on a college campus feels so right to me and I can't quite explain why either. It isn't as though I were regressing. Nor do I see myself falling into some party circuit. For me it's more about having some kind of other outlet besides work. Suddenly my life has become more full. Before I went back to school too much of my time outside of work was becoming dead time. Now all of that has changed and I hope to keep it that way.

Part of me wishes that I had been writing a journal back when I was an undergraduate. So much has happened to me during the past ten years and being able to compare my current self to the twenty year old version would be kind of interesting. I often wonder if the two selves would like or even recognize one another.

I would like to think that when was an undergraduate I appreciated the whole experience, but I can't be sure. Too much time has passed and more than likely my memories have become distorted.


Now that the humidity of summer has faded away, I've been thinking about taking my bicycle back out onto the street. I haven't riden at all since I got back from Europe and trying to cut through muggy heat wasn't much of an incentive for me. To compensate for a lack of outside activities I've been working out inside to get some more tone on my body.

So far this new influx of school and exercise has meshed perfectly into what was my old routine.

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