full moon saturday

My carefree and relaxed mood from Friday lasted through most of the night and into part of this morning. I couldn't exactly explain why I felt that way, but I didn't mind. Maybe it had something to do with making it through the week and not having had any major moments of stress at work. Then there was the fact that I was free from school for a few days and could let myself concentrate on other parts of my life without having any guilt. More than likely it was probably a combination of those two things that created this natural high of sorts.

Sadly said emotional high wore out by the time that I left work.

I didn't have much time with Nicole. In fact I think that we had a mere five minutes together, but that seems to follow the pattern that exists between us. One day we'll spend an hour or so with each other and then hardly talk the next time that we see one another. Maybe we just run out of things to say and need a break. As true as that might be, I also suspect that she was tired and so was I by the time that I went home.

Quite honestly by the end of the morning, talking with someone wasn't very high on my list of things to do. Sleep was what I wanted to do for the rest of the day.

I did do a small amount of talking, but that was with her fiance and not Nicole herself. He and I both agree that Shakira looked much better when she had her natural hair color and dressed like a regular person. Yes, our conversations tend to be less personal than the ones that Nicole and I have, but that is almost a given. No, now that I think about it some more, there were some other more serious topics that we covered and one of them would be the woman caught on videotape beating her daughter in a parking lot.


I don't think that we have had a frost yet, but there seemed to be more hints of browns in the landscape when I drove home this morning. The dark greens of summer were subdued if not completely missing in some spots. The full blown explosion of red, orange and yellows has yet to appear, but I can tell that they are going to be here soon.


My earlier prediction that the rest of the year would be a blur for me appears to be coming true. These past few weeks have been so busy for me that there was very little time for any personal thought and I think that this means that I'll need to go somewhere for my birthday more than ever. Otherwise I need to pace myself better than I have this month. If I don't I am going to be burnt out by the time that Thanksgiving gets here.

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