subtle weather patterns With the proper amount of sleep and more of a third shift schedule, my ability to concentrate was returned to me today. I welcomed that change, because too much of my Monday was spent in a mental haze. Obviously I made it through yesterday without doing anything too stupid, but at the same time I didn't get that much done and something about all of that lost time really bothers me. Last night in the span of two hours, Ken Burns managed to teach me more about the American Civil War than I learned in high school. Oh, I remembered the names of some of the battles, but I wasn't able to put them into any sort of chronological order. Now I have a better sense of when and where they happened and more importantly why. I'm not faulting my high school history teacher for my poor knowledge of the Civil War, because quite honestly she was one of the better ones that I had. In fact I can remember her giving me other books to read besides the assignments that we had in class. It was her that first gave me some insight into Harry Truman who I still find interesting today. ... Since I'm commuting to school four days a week again. I got back into an audio book this morning. Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin was my choice and so far I think that I made a good one. Her phrasing and character creation are something that I've always enjoyed since I first read The Handmaid's Tale a few years back. So now rather than searching for the ideal musical soundtrack for the commute, I let myself get lost in a world created by words. Somehow that escape works better for me than music and that might have something to do with the more even tone of the speaker. ... Today I was on campus for double the time that I usually am and it was time well spent. I finally got some answers about the program that I want to complete and from what I was told I seem to be heading in the right direction. Now I just need to keep doing what I am doing and not let myself get distracted and or discouraged by work. |