grant lincoln mcclellan

Spending yesterday visiting with my family threw my sleep schedule into disarray. Actually I didn't sleep at all Sunday and that what was made today that much more confusing. I can stay awake for twenty four hours, but my body exacts a price soon after.


When I made it to my class late this afternoon, I found myself in yet another round of musical classrooms. After crossing the campus twice, my new companion and I made our way back to the original room. During the walk we got to know one another and she has a certain charm about her that I might have to get to know better.


Instead of doing homework the Ken Burns documentary on the Civil War was the way that I ended my day. I thought that it was time well spent, although I did start to lose interest into the second hour of the program.


Horoscope for today said:

You're too aware and connected to forget the past and future, but you also know how to live totally and blissfully in the moment. After all, this is how memories are made. Absorb the experience well, and you'll be able to replay it in perfect detail whenever you need it. If you haven't already learned how it feels to fall in love, you could make that discovery. As many times as you've accessed the spark of divine inspiration, it's always a bracing wake-up call. Maybe you're just the grinning victim of good luck. You never know what will happen when you make yourself available.

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