angels dancing upwards

Overcast sky blending into fog with hints of rain that may or may not happen. A breakfast of fast food burgers and a little further into a movie that was rented yesterday. Sleep is what I really want now that my stomach is full.

It's so quiet at this time of the day and I have to believe that it was made for sleeping.

Nicole was also tired when I saw her and I knew what she was feeling. Part of me just wanted to curl up next to her in bed and go to sleep, but that didn't happen. Instead I gave her a kiss on the cheek before she left the room.

I'd had two maybe three hours of sleep Thursday, but I made through it the night at work.

Downloading a song by Kelly Willis, while I listen to Rose Colored Glasses by Blue Rodeo.


Five in the afternoon. I think that I slept for six hours, but I'm not quite sure if that is right or not. The power went off somewhere in there and I had to reset my clock. Roughly at the same time some odd clicking noise woke me which might have been the circuit breaker resetting or something. Then just a few hours later the doorbell rang. Some local student was selling candy bars for some fund raiser or another. I said no.

I'm supposed to go out to eat with some of my family, but part of me just wants to stay home, do some laundry, watch a movie and relax. Does that make me sound old and dull?

Maybe only getting two to three hours of sleep has something to do with my less than energetic attitude.

The laundry machine is nearing the final spin cycle and I have yet to hear back from my relatives about the dinner tonight. Of course my being online prevents me from getting any telephone calls. Yes, there is an advantage to still using a dial up connection. I also avoid telemarketing phone calls this way and I love it.

I may have to take a look at an upcoming issue of Batman. Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee will be taking over and the two of them should add some class to a character that is usually over hyped. Their run is scheduled to last for a year so I am curious to see if they can breathe a hint of life into something that I ignore most of the time.

Half an hour has passed and the wet clothes have been put into the dryer. The internal debate about going out to eat has yet to be decided. Whatever my final decision might be, a shower and a shave must come first.

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