some quiet time

Well, I went out last night and it was fine. In fact I got asked to go out again tonight but I didn't. After being on the run since Monday I needed some quiet down time by myself. Some people like to live life doing one thing after the next without stopping and or thinking, but I can't. That being continually busy starts to wear on me fast and I need to take a break to just be if that makes any sense. Besides I think that there was going to be some serious drinking at the party and that isn't something that I need before I go to work. I also wasn't sure how many people I'd know there. It isn't as though I don't like to meet new people and I should probably should do more of that kind of thing now, but that wasn't something that I wanted to do today.

Instead of going out and being social, I stayed inside and let myself get lost in the world of movies. Of the four that I rented on Thursday, I had three left to watch. Most of them don't have to be returned until next week Friday, but if I don't watch them this weekend, I doubt that I'll have time to see them next between work and school taking up all of my time.

Impostor with Gary Sinise and Madeleine Stowe was tedious and pointless. I felt sorry for both of them having been in it when in the past they've each managed to make some decent films. In addition to the two of them, there was Vincent D'Onofrio and Tony Shalhoub, but they couldn't save the movie either.

I recognized a number of Philip K. Dick themes, but that still didn't make the movie worthwhile. Personally it couldn't end fast enough for me, but I paid for it so I watched it to the end.

Heading in a completely different direction was the foreign film, All About My Mother, which was a nice improvement after suffering through Impostor. Neither movie was very upbeat, but at least the foreign film had some nice scenery and colorful characters. Actually my main reason for renting All About My Mother was the fact that it was filmed in Barcelona. I wanted to some of the city in a different context than in a guidebook and I did.

I managed to pick out the Sagrada Familia and a few other famous spots. Seeing those places in the movie made it easier to visualize the city in my mind. I have yet to book my flight, because funds have been tight and I might be better off waiting until next year and just go to New Zealand for two weeks instead of escaping this December. However the thought of being here for the rest of the year isn't very pleasant so that keeps Barcelona high on the list of things to do before the end of the year.

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