five thousand miles

After spending most of the week on the run, I think that I finally came to a stop today. Oh, the morning was still busy enough, but I know that the weekend is nearly here and I am going to need it. All that I want to do for the next couple of days is just relax. I don't want to go anywhere or see anyone. What I want is some serious amounts of quiet time where I do nothing but read.

My parents had suggested that I get some professionals to move the heavier and or larger pieces of my furniture for the upcoming move and I took care of that piece of the puzzle this morning. Now all that I have to do is start filling boxes. It sounds easy enough and I am already counting the days.

Five years. I'll be leaving five years of my life behind. I don't think that I ever imagined that I was going to be in one place for that amount of time, but it must have worked for me. Soon all of that is going to change and it feels good.

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